Team Fertress Too (REEL)

It was an cold summer night with quiet rain pooring outside, I am 12 years old but I am mature for my age. I like to wach anime and cory in the house, reddit is my favorite website and my favorite game is call of du teem fertress too for the pee ess double cheeseburger. Most of the losers at my school dont even know what teem fertress too is, but thats k because theyre dumb anyway. they like to watch pyordyrpie and i dont even like him one bit, he is swedish, and swedes are evil. wait. this is teem fertress too? oh yes, back to story. i am 10 year old, but i an not like other 10 year old, i like teem fertress too. I Also Value The Importance Of Grammar Without Spellcheck. Teem Fertress Too Is My Favorite Videogame Ever. My Favorite Class Is. Sppy Because You Can Go Invisible And Then Go "BOOO" In The Face Of Those Dirty Red Capitalist Scum. I am 14 Year Old but even i know i hate capitalism, youtube comments told me.
So one cold summer knight i was playing teem fertress too by my self (while playing by my self lol xD) when my worst enemy came into the game, captcha code. i am 4 year old, but i am literate though so i can defeat captcha code. many kids at my school dont know how to beat captcha coide. i type "838" into game and i win all the hats! xd i am super popular but then suddenly chester bennington and fred durst (hes the wurst!) spooked me in game! they are my idols that make New and organal music! i ran in order to not let freddy and chester tanington catch me masterbating into my sox, but then fredward and chester roughton surprise me and go "RAWWWR" and I jump up and I begin to go invisible because I an spppy! i try to turn computer off but it stay on even when i unplug it and slam it with picture of the 90's, because the 90's are the best thing ever, i'd know, i'm 8.
but then fredman and chester chest come up behind me and they scream "ART THOU PREPARED FOR FREDDY?" and I jump because I got scared I think fast and run fast because I main scout, and scout runs fast with really good health. man, scouts op, gabens' blubber should nerf it. So I was playing Legacy of Leagues with my favorite god, Enginer. I like Enginer because he can shoot good, and shoot good usually means kill faster. I take three mini sentry quints for maximum "fuck you" power, gods i fucking hate mini sentrys. i am 31 year old, but i am mature for my age, i know god is a lie made up by allah, fuck you allah i fucking hate you just like my dad who was never there for me when i was a fucking 30 year old you damn scumbag why didnt you buy me the iphone 10erino ledogerino what teh fuck dad i hate you fucking allah
so one cold stary sky lit drive light i was watching 9gag while feeding my peatun butter sandwich for a walk. my favorite memes on 9barf is the sonic ones because they remind me of the 90's that i was in because i am a living fucking stillborn fetus BOO!